What a year, Want to volunteer?

What a difference one year can make. During Earth Week 2022, the very first vegetables were planted in the GRIT Garden. We started with a row of lettuce and a row of Bok Choi. During that growing season, we donated 2,500 pounds of produce to the CARE hub and hosted over 300 volunteers.
Fast forward to now, This Earth week, we have planted one-quarter of the available beds in the garden and have already had 100 volunteers. We could not have accomplished so much without the help of the UVU biology department, UVU grounds and facilities, and our amazing volunteers.
This year, we aim to produce 5,000 pounds of produce in the garden. If we reach that goal, the USDA will recognize us as a small farm. We need all the help we can get to reach our goal, so we will have two volunteer days a week throughout the summer and fall. Wednesdays from 4 pm to 6 pm and Fridays from 9 am to 11 am. We recommend bringing a water bottle and sunscreen and to come ready to get dirty. Everyone is welcome!